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5 Essential Checks before 'Design Freeze' design manufacturing project management prototyping quality management v&v Jun 19, 2024

Design Freeze is a significant milestone in MedTech. It's the point when you're ready to start the Verification & Validation (V&V) process. It implies maturity...

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User Needs vs Design Inputs: It's about Viewpoint quality management v&v Apr 01, 2024

Written by Christopher Scholl


Ever built the wrong medtech device?


I’ve worked at a number of medical device companies and each one took a different approach to writing User...

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EVT - It's like TSA precheck for Verification & Validation manufacturing project management quality management v&v May 02, 2023

Picture this -- you've raced to the airport and found yourself at the end of a massive security line. You do the truffle shuffle with shoes off, belt off, keys out, laptop out, while the security...

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